October 31 and November 1, 2015
Jeremy brings to Wyndham Oaks his approachable style and extensive experience over the Halloween Weekend. As the former USEF Youth Coach for dressage, he worked extensively with talented young riders as part of USEF’s determination to produce international caliber riders for the future. That experience, combined with his own extensive training and riding throughout his career, makes him a highly sought after clinician. We are very happy that he agreed to share this weekend with us.
For Riders:
Interested riders should submit the rider application and a brief video (a Youtube link is preferred). Selection will be based, in part, on providing a diversified group of horses and riders for the clinic. Preference will be given to riders wanting to ride both days as that provides a greater opportunity for Jeremy and the auditors to see the results of his work with each combination. Lessons are 45 minutes and cost $255 per lesson. Applications are due by September 20; selected horse/rider combinations will be notified on a rolling basis (so get your applications in early) but in all instances no later than October 1.
Rider Application: Steinberg Clinic
Lunch is included for the riders and a groom. Limited stabling is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
For Auditors:
Auditors are welcome for one ($40) or both days ($75). Pricing at the door will be the same but will NOT include lunch. Advance registration is encouraged and can be completed using the following, secure on-line link.
Auditor On-Line Registration and Payment
For those interested in staying, there will be a pot-luck “happy hour” after the clinic ends. We encourage you to bring your favorite bottle of wine and snacks and enjoy an hour of friendly conversation.
Additionally, several local vendors will be at the clinic to give you a chance to start your holiday shopping early!